Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Arkansas Department Of Higher Education

Arkansas Department Of Higher Education Detail
The Arkansas Department of Higher Education (ADHE) is responsible for the regulation of the state’s public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education. In addition, ADHE oversees a number of financial aid programs.The first attempt to regulate higher education in the state came through the establishment of the Arkansas Committee on Higher Education in 1949, which consisted primarily of state legislators and the leaders of institutions of higher education. The commission’s report to the Arkansas General Assembly in 1951 recommended the creation of a control board to coordinate efforts regulating higher education. Prior to this, state institutions were fairly autonomous, and the legislature exercised oversight primarily through appropriations, which led to institutions competing with each other for state money. In addition, the commission reported that “in some cases local pride and local interest have forced upon the institutions courses of study which they were not adequately equipped to offer”—that is, the desire for a prestigious local college or university often outweighed the ability to maintain it. It was not until 1961 that the state legislature, in order to create some order out of the constant battle for state funds among Arkansas’s public institutions of higher education, created the Commission on Coordination of Higher Education Finance (CCHEF). CCHEF was responsible for coordinating and evaluating the budgets of public universities and colleges in the state and recommending to the Arkansas General Assembly appropriations for each of the institutions. The presidents and chancellors of state colleges and universities worked to make CCHEF as weak as possible, so as to protect their own interests and pet programs. Act 38 of 1971, which reshuffled a number of state agencies, created the present ADHE and transformed CCHEF into the State Board of Higher Education. In 1992, the state legislature created the Center for Workforce Excellence, a pilot project, to be run by ADHE, designed to “assist industrial development through the coordination of training programs and services.” Later, what is now the Arkansas Department of Career Education (ADCE) was created to manage the state’s vocational and technical education programs. Act 1114 of 1997 replaced the State Board of Higher Education with the Arkansas Higher Education Coordinating Board, half of whose twelve members are required to be current or recent members of the boards of public two-year and four-year state institutions of higher education

Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education
Arkansas Department Of Higher Education


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