Thursday, 31 January 2013

Higher Education Loans

Higher Education Loans Detail
After years on the sidelines of higher education policy, postgraduates are finally getting their moment in the spotlight. In July 2012, the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee recommended that the government create a new loan scheme for STEM postgraduates. The review of Liberal Democrat science policy led by Julian Huppert came to the same conclusion. And just last week, the government's social mobility czar, Alan Milburn, called postgraduate study a potential time-bomb and urged the government to commission an independent report to develop proposals for a loan system.Next week, the Higher Education Commission, a cross-party group of senior leaders from industry, parliament and the education sector will add their voice to this call, publishing a major report on the future of postgraduate education. The report looks at the health of the postgraduate sector, identifies a number of challenges the postgraduate sector will face in the years to come, and considers in detail how a postgraduate loan scheme might work.It is the final output of an eight-month inquiry chaired by Graham Spittle, vice president of IBM and former chair of the Technology Strategy Board, the UK's innovation agency. It draws on scores of interviews – with students, academics, employers, industrialists and vice chancellors – and thousands of pages of written evidence.
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans
Higher Education Loans



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