Sunday, 27 January 2013

New York State Higher Education

New York State Higher Education Detail
Data collection in New York occurs at two levels: the state and the system. The State Education Department seems to conceptualize the new assessment paradigm as a pyramid, with the state at the top, accreditation associations and state systems in the middle, and the colleges and universities at the base. This structure reflects the breadth of data needed at each level: wide and varied at the institutional level, narrower and limited at the state level.The new assessment paradigm has no connection to state appropriations and is therefore not a performance funding policy. The decentralization in the system is evident by the fact that there are no common assessment instruments prescribed for institutions, and although significant multi-institutional databases are available, there is not a central database at the SHEEO level.The State Education Department collects its own information from institutions using the Higher Education Data System (HEDS). The Office of Research and Information Systems (ORIS) plays an essential role in assuring the quality of higher education in New York State by providing good information—for comparisons, analysis, planning, evaluation, decision-making, and monitoring. ORIS provides analytical, statistical and research support and services for the Board of the Regents, The State Education Department, the Office of Higher Education and the Professions as well as the New York State public. Specifically, the Office: 

New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education
New York State Higher Education


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