Friday, 4 January 2013

The Chronicle Of Higher Education

The Chronicle Of Higher Education Detail

The Chronicle of Higher Education was officially founded in 1966 by Corbin Gwaltney.[4][5][6] and its first issue was launched in November 1966.[7][8]
Although it was meant for those involved in higher education, one of the founding ideas was that the general public had very little knowledge about what was going on in higher education and the real issues involved.[6] Originally, it didn't accept any advertising and didn't have any staff-written editorial opinions. It was supported by grants from the Carnegie Foundation and the Ford Foundation.[9] Later on in its history, advertising would be accepted, especially for jobs in higher education, and this would allow the newspaper to be financially independent.[6][9]
By the 1970s, Chronicle was attracting enough advertising to become self-sufficient, and in 1978 the board of EPE agreed to sell the newspaper to its editors.[10] EPE sold Chronicle to the editors for $2,000,000 in cash and $500,000 in services that Chronicle would provide to EPE.[6] Chronicle went from a legal non-profit status to a for-profit company.
This sale shifted the focus of non-profit EPE to K-12 education. Inspired by the model established by Chronicle and with the support of the Carnegie Corporation and other philanthropies, EPE founded Education Week in September 1981.[7][1

The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education
The Chronicle Of Higher Education


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